Thursday, June 30, 2011


Prepared by Isis

The Corrales Espino family is a wonderful family that lives just south of Choluteca Honduras. There are 7 members of their family; the father, 37 year old Santos, the mother, 35 year old Vilma and their 5 children: Katy 12, Evelin 10, Michelle 8, Viviam 3 and a new baby. Santos works as a guard and his wife, before she had the baby, cleaned homes. With 3 of their children going to school it often they have financial difficulties, paying for school, their home and other of life’s necessities.

About a year ago during the winter season all of the Correles Espino’s children got sick. The home in which the family lives was in bad shape and the walls were falling apart and they had holes in the aluminum sheets, which is what is used as the walls at their home. In Honduras during the winter, they receive a lot of rain and when it would rain there would be a river of water that ran through the family home. It was a very hard winter for the family because the children were so sick, due to the cold and wet from the rain. The family didn’t have the money available to pay for the medicine that was needed or to fix the walls to prevent future illness. We purchased some wood and supplies, a local church helped with the labor and we were able to make the walls of the home solid so the water from the winter rains would no longer enter the home and the family could stay warm and healthy.

“When I saw you coming I was looking at the sky thinking the winter is here and my kids will get sick again. I didn’t have any idea what you were coming for but when you told me that you were going to help my family, I felt so happy and the first word that came to my mind was Thanks God. Now that my house has new walls, I will sleep well without thinking about my kids getting sick. Thank you for your help; I don’t know how to pay you back, God Bless You.”